New shareholders/president/office Grand Teton Visitor Center dedication
Expanded Licenses for IMA architects
Renovations completed to historic San Francisco building
IMA California headquarters moves Detention facility defects
Musician's Camp Phase I Multi-state projects
Developer defense and repair program Luxury condominium project
Architecture, Engineering, & Terrorism Mad About Luney and Nutter
IMA delivers snow country paper at conference in Switzerland
IMA opens Colorado office IMA Shines in BusinessWeek
Wrongful termination expert testimony Nationwide forensic investigation
ICBO approval of IMA-designed system
University forensic project Snow country consulting in Aspen
IMA delivers show country paper at conference in Norway
IMA gains design expert in schools Nationwide forensic investigation begins
Neutral architect project Design and billing error investigation
Snow country consulting in Ketchum, Idaho Leak prevention article published
Expert testimony defending an architect Multi-family residential leak analysis & repair
First neutral architect project Mountain cabin reconstruction
IMA delivers show country paper at conference in Japan
Society of California Pioneers Oakland high-rise leak investigation
City Hall peer review Four-star hotal ADA project
San Francisco high-rise leak investigation
Beach house on Lake Tahoe
Show country paper delivered at Santa Barbara conference
San Francisco residential forensic project
IMA founded
Ian Mackinlay delivers paper at first ICSE conference Chicago high-rise hotel
First forensic architecture project
Snow country Design published Boreal Ridge wins national award
Syntex Interim Facilities wins national award
European Exchange System Ian Mackinlay founds MWM